It's the first day of 2012. There is something about the new year that sounds enticing. The possibilities seem endless. Life appears approachable. I feel a little more courageous to face what is ahead. I welcome change instead of run from it. I long to be closer to the One who created all equals HOPE.
...and then FA enters the picture. Shamefully, 2012 quickly loses its appeal. I am consumed by its uncertainty. Fear muffles any form of courage I muster and change means progression of this stupid disability. I shy away from Him. The One who is everything. The Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end.
Last night I was surrounded by friends who allow me to be me and more importantly, love Him. So refreshing and so fulfilling. Without them knowing, they made FA smaller and helped me look to the new year with excitement.
FA is in my viewfinder but it's not the only subject in my snapshot of this life here on earth. 2012 is here and so is FA. But it's not forever.
"Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin"...Zechariah 4:10
2012, let's begin.