Although she is 10 yrs old and the FA is still progressing, together, we adapt. I wouldn't be able to do life without her.
So on my last visit to the clinic I was asked to walk 25 feet again. My first visit to the clinic, I was not only helped by Delsie but two other people were there practically holding me up as I attempted to make my way down the hall 25 feet. Delsie literally had to brace herself against the wall to support me as I was quite unstable.
Don't get me wrong, I wasn't running the hall but I did it! Just me and D this time! Okay, I needed to be assisted shortly after my body struck the pose of the leaning tower of Pisa. But it felt different and reminded me of the day I walked with Delsie for the first time.
Who knows if it is all mental. Time will tell and more work to be done in the treatment and cure of FA.
We're getting there.
One foot in front of the other.
Leaning and all...
