A few years ago the hype was all about the movie, "Bucket List". Honestly, I don't remember the details of the movie. However, like most who saw it, I was prompted to dream about the things I wanted to accomplish before I die. Last year, my oldest sister and brother in law, Cherie and Rob made it possible for me to check off one of things on my bucket list. A motorcycle ride in a side car with Delsie.
It was a moment I would never forget. Delsie loved it. A few times I choked up from emotions that were overwhelming. A memory to cling to when times got tough. Mission accomplished. Check mark on my list.
This year, our kind, new friends called again to see if Delsie and I would be interested in another ride. Cherie didn't have to ask me twice.
Today, Delsie and I traversed through the beauty of the fall colors in the 70 degrees October day. It was breathtaking. Simply amazing. I loved it. I think Delsie did, too.
As much as I dread having ataxia, it's moments like these that I am thankful. Having FA forces me to make a "Bucket List" and having it, blesses me with people like Richard and Karen with motorcycle rides in a side car.
I anticipate the day I can make a huge check mark next to the words on my list "A cure".
Isn't it so wonderful? My husband & I have a motorcycle too and I just love riding!!! I have my fears, but he's a great driver and I trust him! I love it too :) So glad you were able to go for another ride!