Wednesday, October 27, 2010

"Life is not fair."

A friend of mine invited me over for dinner the other night. They have five kids so it was noisy. And I relished in every scream, cry and laughter. I welcomed the chaos. I soaked in the opportunity to help with their homework. I even confessed that I had no clue how to solve the algebra problem of a sixth grader. Yikes. A bit embarrassing but none the less, very true. It confirmed the fact that numbers are a foreign language to me. I simply don't understand it.
Similar to life. I don't get it.
As soon as their homework was complete, we all moved to the family room. This time it was their seventh grader that stumped me. I don't remember exactly what we were talking about but whatever it was, it prompted him to tease his mom by saying, "I know, life isn't fair." He went on to say, "But God is fair. Right?"
I was thankful he was looking at his mom while waiting for a response. I waited too. I had no idea how I would have answered him. I still don't.
I am sure theologians or devout Christians are squirming in their seat reading this. But more times than not, I am like the people of Israel in Exodus 16. I grumble. I doubt. I question whether or not God provides everything I think I need. I want more. Similar to the people of Israel who weren't completely sure God would provide the amount of manna (food) that they thought they needed.
If I am honest, I would answer Trent by replying with a bit of arrogance, "No. God is not fair. Look at my life. It's not suppose to be like this."
I. Want. More.
But it's times like these that I need to savor those moments that God reminds me He is there. FA and all.
On Friday my friend from out of town and I went to our favorite restaurant. After we were seated and Delsie resumed her position under the table our waitress came and sat at our table. "I have never had this happen before but a man came up to me and handed me forty dollars. He told me that he wanted to pay for the table with the dog."
A tear streamed down my face as I realized although I may not understand algebra or this life with FA, God is there in those moments.
Even in my grumbling.

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