The pastor I was listening to this morning, started his sermon with Psalm 62:7-8. "My salvation and my honor depend on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge, trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge." The pastor went on to say this passage had nothing to do with his sermon, he just felt like he needed to share it. I am so thankful for this guys obedience because I needed to hear it.
Since the news of my match with Barkley and the confirmation of Delsie's retirement, I have been a bit nostalgic. Okay, a lot nostalgic. I know the dam of emotions is going to break any moment. This is affirmed by my friends text, phone calls and emails this week asking how I was doing.? I think I am doing okay. And this morning I was reminded that God is my refuge. I can pour out my heart to him- he gets it. Even when I don't.
I apologize if you have crossed my path this week as you quickly had to humor me with interest as I flipped through five 8 X 10 photos of Barkley I received. It is mortifying as I think back to the staff at Delsie's vet, the assistant of where I maintenance my wheelchair and the worker at the pet store- to name a few victims. "Delsie is retiring. Let me show you the photos of Barkley." Keep in mind, I hauled out five 8 X 10 photos. Seriously. Mortifying.
I find myself thinking through every situation in anticipation of Delsie's retirement and Barkley's arrival. It's overwhelming. It's a bit absurd and totally crazy.
But so is living with FA. It's a daily battle not to grow with discouragement and frustration. I force myself to choose the things I have gained through the diagnosis of FA and not the losses. Believe me, I don't always succeed with this- it can be overwhelming, a bit absurd and completely crazy. But scripture like Psalm 62:7-8 is there to get me back on track and reminds me to trust in him at all times...especially the times I can't believe I am doing this.
Ready or not, here I come, Barkley.
Did you know Delsie is retiring? Let me share some of the 8 X 10's I happen to have...

Delsie is smiling!