Tuesday, October 16, 2012

He moves stones...er, mountains.

It was bound to happen. Let's face it, my life is abnormal. I received a text the other day from a dear friend that said, "nothing is easy is it?" And the challenge these past two weeks were kidney stones.  For those of you poor souls who have endured such a hurdle, it is quite probable you let out a grimace "oooh". Believe you me, every squirm or scream is valid. Those suckers hurt. A lot.
Let's throw FA in the mix. It wasn't a pretty picture. I was a mess. Bless my sisters heart that had the pleasure of receiving the phone call as my mom was with my Grandma in Detroit.
"Christy, I hate to ask this of you." But this sentence was not spoken clearly. I more or else screamed it with my slurred speech and tears while clutching the couch in severe pain.
"Holly, what's wrong? I can't understand you. I'll be right over!" Although that was on the  verge of a scream, that was spoken quickly and very clear. Bless her heart. In my mind, she couldn't get here fast enough.
I will spare you the details. Frankly, I don't know a lot of them as this episode landed me in a 3 day stay at the hospital. I was so drugged up, even now it is difficult to piece the details together.What I do know is that kidney stones are evil. Pure evil.
And once again, I was reminded of my awesome family. I am blessed by them. Every time I think of how they love me through the crap, I cry. So, I leave it at that. I love my family.
And now I can hate another thing...Kidney Stones AND FA.
Since nothing is normal for me, I had to have surgery to get them out. Yup. Plural. And yes, they were stuck.
Barkley's first hospital stay. I think he did alright. I am so glad my family knows the whole service dog drill and hospital stays. At least, I think I am?
My poor mom camped out with me as my recovery was slow.
I am thankful no one snapped a photo of me while I was in the hospital. Well, they may have and it will show up with the photo of my hair that looks like the human brain. Don't ask.
Mom took this one while I was recovering at home. And getting the best kind of lovin' from Barkley. 
I have no lessens that have been learned from this hiccup. It was annoying. No doubt about that. But I trust He still moves mountains. And hopefully that mountain is a cure for FA . If the stones don't move, let's hope the mountain does.

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