Wednesday, March 13, 2013


On my last visit we were driving through the campus of the University of South Florida and I spotted a banner that decorated a lamp post. It sent chills down my spine and I fumbled for my camera and took this photo.
For those of you squinting to make out the word, it says "UNSTOPPABLE". How appropriate. Very timely.
A friend of mine, who is a speaker, challenges his audiences before the new year approaches to pick out a word for the year. A word that you may feel God leads you to- a challenge or even a praise. It's a great idea. I have never done it. Sorry, Doug. It's nothing personal. I am not one to jump on a band wagon just because a lot of people around me are doing it.
But I think this has become my word. It picked me. There were banners on almost every lamp post and it is a huge campus. I never saw this particular one repeated. "UNSTOPPABLE". It's my word for this study. It's my belief in a God that is using people like Dr. Z and Dr. Kelly and SO many others working toward a common goal in finding a cure for FA. How encouraging.
This past week, I had resolved myself to the idea that I needed to fly commercial as the option of Wings of Mercy would not be available. Of course the clinic time is during Spring Break for most people and that would mean a very pricey flight. Through a friend and an answer to prayer, I was able to purchase a flight at a reduced rate. At the exact same time, Wings of Mercy emailed me to let me know a pilot signed up. UNSTOPPABLE.

It is a blast to see how God has this all figured out. I am so humbled to be a part of it all. There is no stopping Him and what he has planned.
And yes, He even uses bull headed people like me.

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