The dreams are back. I'm on the real deal. I finally made it down to clinic for my December visit and it was well worth the wait. My sister, Lo, and her oldest son joined me this time. The jet that took us through Wings of Mercy was unbelievable.
I stood on my own again for over a minute and walked down the hallway. When I crossed over the finish line I asked for my time. "Holly, you walked and now you're concerned with how long it took you?!" Maintain perspective and dream big! Just gotta figure out the balance with the two.
We joined a few doctors on the elevator to the clinic. One of the doctors said, "you're back already?" It took me by surprise as I didn't recognize him. "Let me guess" I replied sheepishly, "you were in the hallway when I bawled?"
"We all did", he said.
And that is one of the many reasons I am so glad I am part of this study.
I'm not a number. I'm a person. Someone who has FA. Hoping to find a cure.
They are committed to me and a cure.
I am on Chantix now. For the next four months.
Great post Holly!!! this is so exciting. So proud of you! I could SCREAM! LOVE YOU!