It always takes me awhile to process the trip. It's a whirlwind. Hard to believe I actually can say I've been to Florida this week. When we landed in Tampa flight attendants and workers at the car rental would communicate politeness as they stated, "Have a great vacation." Little did they know they would see us the next day. And they did and recognized me- I'm just a tad bit noticeable.
As the study is coming to an end, Dr. Z is thinking about the future. My efforts to encourage her to say that I had to relocate to FL didn't happen. Bummer. She did say that she wants to flush the medication out of my system again at the end of March. Bummer. At this time she will begin a medication to protect my heart. I was disappointed thinking of how awful I felt when that happened before. It took me a minute to actually hear the words, "protect my heart." She was mixing me up with someone else. I pride myself that my heart has not been effected from this dumb disability. Pride. Gets me every time. It is inevitable that my heart will be effected by FA. Bummer.
Once again, I am so grateful that I am part of this study. Without Dr. Z, I wouldn't know to take the necessary steps to protect my heart. Yea, there are bummers along the way. But God has my back and He is protecting me. All of me.
Love you so much.