We were well into the leg of our journey on our trip home from Florida last week when my friend began pointing at my neck. "You have something in your hair, Holly." Immediately I regressed back to my high school days and remembered the times that my "so called" friends would sit behind me in class and see how many #2 pencils they could hide in my afro. It wouldn't be until I laid my head on my pillow for the night did I discover them. I would laugh and shake my head, knowing this game was providing entertainment for a rather boring Civic class. Quite frankly, I was happy to be of service. This kit kat wrapper had wedged itself into a lock of curl on my head and as I attempted to dislodge it from the bomb of frizz (no small task, especially with FA!) I thought back to when I ate the candy bar 3 hours earlier! It was there that long.
Yesterday was my last day to stop the drug Chantix. I have to admit I am rather leary of what that will mean. Although it is nice to not endure the nausea and bizarre dreams, I am scared for the future of finding a treatment or cure for FA. I am fighting internally with my thoughts of finality.
But just like back in high school, I need to trust that He has some #2 pencils tucked away. And just like the wrapper from my favorite candy bar, His plan of a treatment or cure of FA is adhering itself to the right people and both will be displayed at the right time!
The ride may be long and the "game" may not be quite so entertaining like 6th hour Civic class but we will get there with His grace.
I believe it. I have to.
and so thankful I can be of service...
ReplyDeleteMy name is Michel Beaudet, I'm 48, have FA and live in Quebec, Canada.
I'm sending this message to invite people to join a list for those with ataxia. The list is called Internaf and there's also a website full of info at http://internaf.org
International Network of Ataxia Friends is a mailing list for ataxia patients and family/friends which serves as a support group and information exchange vehicle. There are currently over 700 subscribers from more than 40 countries worldwide.
Subscriptions to INTERNAF is free.
For info on how to subscribe, go see, http://internaf.org/network/services.html or
for email only access click here and send: internaf-subscribe@yahoogroups.com or
for full yahoogroups features access go to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/internaf/join
ps: Don't hesitate to email me if you have questions about internaf
Michel Beaudet
Internaf - INTERnational Network of Ataxia Friends