This is an "after the action" shot. As I was waiting for my blood to be drawn at the lab last visit, I had to wait outside of the waiting room. It was packed as only two of the technicians decided to show up to work that day. I wasn't annoyed by that. I actually felt bad for them- totally out of their control. What irritated me was this man who stopped an inch away from me and Delsie and proceeded to talk to D. The whole waiting room was quiet and people were bored as they were waiting for their name to be called. So when this man started a rather loud one-sided conversation with Delsie, I knew I had to take advantage of this "teachable" moment...I had a captive crowd.
As this man made an advance toward petting Delsie, I tightened her leash toward me and said, "I'm sorry, sir, please just ignore her. She is working and can not be distracted." The entire waiting room heard me. I wasn't bashful in my response. And he wasn't bashful in his response either. He bent down to pet Delsie as he probably thought her wagging tail was an invitation. His back was to the on lookers and I noticed some were shaking their head in disbelief. I felt pressure now that I had to follow through with my original lesson. "Sir, please don't." I tugged Delsie toward me and commanded her to look at me. He stopped only because he finished telling me about how he used to have a black lab that lived to be 15 years old. By this point, I was bothered and felt bad for Delsie. My friend was in the waiting room chuckling as she tried to get the exchange on camera. Thus, the after shot.
I am very similar to this man. Although I am not distracting faithful service dogs, I must be annoying God with my ignorance to His faithfulness. I have one last clinic next Monday. No plans of a flight down there as of yet. I'm starting to panic and forget that He is faithful if I just be still and listen. Something this man wasn't very good at and something I am struggling with as well. I am not letting God do His work. Instead, I am distracting my thoughts with the negative ones and wanting my plan. You think I would have understood this by now. I have lived with FA half of my life. ( my stomach just dropped when I wrote that) I can just picture those in heavens waiting room, shaking their heads and thinking, "she doesn't get it". And I don't. Not at all. The lump in my throat is a good indication that I am sick of it. All of it.
But I must wait. Just like that day in the lab waiting room. I just hope I don't fall asleep and miss it.
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