Fast forward six days later down at the lab for blood work during the second half of the tests...we enter the waiting room at the lab. Being in a wheelchair, I barely can see over the high counter. My eyes connect with a not so friendly nurse, in which I only can see her eyebrows. . "Hi. I am here for blood work" I say, while practically lifting my rear from my chair and extending my torso in hopes that she is able to see my face. My feeble attempt was in vain as she hardly looked up from what she was doing and instructed me to sign the clipboard.
Another nurse called me back in the room to draw my blood- phew-Miss Crabby Pants won't be taking her anger out on me with a needle. The rooms are small. So me, a wheelchair, my friend, the nurse and Delsie all attempted to squeeze in. Being the polite dog she is, Delsie laid

It didn't take long for me to realize this nurse was going to extract my blood with a normal size needle. I quickly told her that although my veins look juicy, a butterfly would be needed. Thus enters Miss Crabby Pants who is the only qualified nurse in the lab to use a butterfly.
As she enters the tiny room, she lets out a disgusted sigh while putting on her latex gloves. It is apparent that she is not pleased that a dog is in her way and she steps over Delsie.
"Excuse me, pouch!" she mutters and then realizes her blunder and says to me without a smile, "I didn't mean to say pouch, I meant to say pooch."
I looked up at Miss Crabby Pants and shrugged my shoulders, "tomato, tamoto?...who really cares?!"
It was at that moment that I became a person to her and not just another patient. And she became someone to me. We laughed together and from that moment on, our encounter was something bigger than Freidriech's Ataxia.
All because of a prayer from a friend.
So thanks, my friends, for praying and encouraging me on this journey-I couldn't do it with out you.
It's so much bigger than me...
It's day #9 and I increased the pill to two times a day instead of just one. Time will tell...