Saturday, September 26, 2009

news clip

Even though this disorder as progressed over the past 17 years and I have lost the ability to walk, in my mind I see myself as a completely "normal", physically fit person.

Last summer I cheered my sister on in her fist marathon in Indiana. I was perplexed after the 5th runner smiled at me and said "Hi" and thanked me for coming. Seriously, did I have a booger hanging out of my nose?! Was my fly down?! Why do these runners keep singling me out?!! By the time the 20th sweaty, panting runner acknowledged me, I had one of those OPRAH "ah-ha" moments. These marathon runners saw me different- I quickly became a girl in a wheelchair with a service dog. It was, and is, a fact that I wouldn't run in a marathon with them and maybe for that moment, they gained a perspective and got the 2nd wind that they needed to get through the race.

I forget that I am in this dumb chair and have a beautiful black lab to help me "do" life. So, when News 3 called yesterday to do this story, I fought back my pride and did it. As I watched this clip last night, I battled the tears as I was able to see so clearly what FA has taken from me.

Well, sorry FA, I want it back. You can't have it. You are not going to win. I hate what you have done and are doing.

So, the game is on...

Day #5 on Chantix. I will slowly be increasing to a double dose next week. The investigators called yesterday and asked me a battery of questions:
Sleeping? yep.
nausea? nope.
suicidal thoughts? nope.
depressed? nope.
but I will say I have had some BIZARRE dreams.

1 comment:

  1. bizarre dreams? You hardly ever remember your dreams! So that's kinda cool! write the dreams down as soon as you wake up...
    Great news piece! Enjoyed it very much and so proud of you that you did it! Don't tell anyone I bawled my eyes out.;-)
